Viva la Vida!

Photos by Miguel Bruna and Loz Pycock The famous Mexican painter of German ancestry, Frida Kahlo, worked the physical and emotional pain of her tragic life in her paintings, where real elements merged with fantasy. Her naive artistic style is inspired by...

What’s hot?

Although the word “hot” is a synonym for hip, in or trendy, in terms of fashions, in this case I mean it literally: experience a road trip through the silence and vastness of the desert regions of this earth. Who would have thought it possible that of all...

Bee happy

Photos by Mamun Srizon and Kamil Szumotalski Bees don’t only produce honey, they are responsible for pollinating many plants and therefore they are the important animal for nutrition of humanity and biodiversity of this planet. Because of monocultures, reduction...

Save the ocean

Photos by Biel Morro and Kami An important issue that will also play a major role in interior design is the growing concern and awareness for the state of the oceans, which we are polluting more and more. “Every little piece of plastic manufactured in the past 50...

Tropical de Luxe

Photos by raw pixel, Jimena, Anna Gru and Chuttersnap This trend brings the fun and adventure of a summer vacation back to our home. It is reminiscent of glamorous luxury hotels in sun-drenched locations like the beaches of Rio, Miami and Palm Springs. Tropical...